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Want to develop your self, team and business leading skills to accelerate creating the results that you want to witness? Our LIVIO JOY online training programs and masterclasses give you a deep dive into each given topic aka leadership development area. The masterclasses will help you level up your skills and growth journey to progress towards the results you want to see in yourself and around you.

Leadership Masterclasses

Courage to Lead Unlocked summit

Date: March 25-26

Who: open for our network


Courage to Lead Masterclass

Date: April 13

Who: Courage to Lead Unlocked VIP guests

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Want to learn the proven strategies to succeed in your life and leadership?

Sign up now for our free 21-day Courage to Lead Summit! We start 7/7!

The Online Courses & Workshops

The Career Happiness Course

Trainers: Kaisa Siipilehto & Irina Sergeeva


Find out your strong sides and personal characteristics, how to build your leadership on your strengths and cultivate your personal brand to become a more sought-after leader every key talent wants to work with!

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